Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Back in the game

                                       Photo copyright.KimShay.2012

I have not posted for a few days because I was suffering from some extreme colon problems that were making me sick. I have set up appointments to have some test and had my blood taken so hopefully I will know if it is something unusual. I am still having some pain but, I got back to getting some things done.
Today I did not get done as much as I would have liked to but, I did go and volunteer at the fireworks stand. I probably sweated some gallons of water out of my system. smiles. It was fun though and I enjoyed my time there.
I hope in the next few days to explore another trail or if I feel good enough do my 5K walk I signed up for at

                                           Photo copyright.KimShay.2012

I still have not figured out any plans for the Fourth of July but, it is not my favorite holiday and my food I can have is going to be limited so I am not sure what I will do but, I am enjoying summer even if it is burning hot. I was tempted to give up on goals and health stuff while sick but, I know it is sometimes hard to make decisions when you don't feel good. In all I had a nice day and hope the rest of the week goes well. Goodnight for now.

The moon today before the sun was down.
                                   Photo copyright. KimShay. 2012

pounds lost: 7

What are your plans for the fourth?
What is inspiring you today?

1 comment:

  1. That picture of the flowers is very pretty! Those are neat flowers.

    If you can make it we would love having you at my fiance's 4th of July celebration this weekend. Message me on Facebook for more info if you're interested. =)

    Awesome picture of the moon, too! I love how you can really see the depth in the craters and stuff.

    Congrats on the 7 lost pounds! Well done! I think I lost maybe one. lol
